bohemiq - dutch demogroup
conspiracy - hungarian demogroup
digital dynamite - hungarian demogroup
spinning kids - italian demogroup
grape - polish demogroup
vantage - swiss demogroup
tpolm - tpolm
titan - titan demo/art division
Alcatraz - Alcatraz demogroup is back!

pain - international scene diskmag
hugi - international scene diskmag
chaos - nice polish diskmag

ojuice - the demoscene information center
nectarine - the demoscene radio
scene.org - the demoscene archive
slengpung - the scene photo gallery
untergrund - the demoscene webserver
planet-d - the demoscene webserver
scene-it.untergrund.net - Italian demoscene portal
demology.tk - archive of italian PC demos

maali - 2d/3d artist
squaremonkey - ego boosting for the masses

gargaj - hungarian coder/musician
Horde - Horde Demoparty [IT]
Inercia - Inercia Demoparty [PT]

Function - Function Demoparty [HU]