We decided to add a FAQ section for anyone that stumbles upon SKiM and doesnt know what it is about, or for who already does but not really, or for the curious ones, or.. you choose.
We got the answers.

1 - about SKiM and the Demoscene
1.1) What is SKiM?
1.2) What is the Demoscene? What is an intro/demo?
1.3) Why do you do this?

2 - about the website
2.1) Who is the webmaster? I have to report something
2.2) Do you have a banner?
2.3) How can I contact a member?
2.4) Can I join SKiM? How?
2.5) I got a question that's not answered here; what should I do?

1 - about SKiM and the Demoscene

1.1) What is SKiM?

SKiM is a demogroup. This means that some people [coders, musicians, graphicians etc] are grouped together.
They make, as self, music, code or gfx; but they do also create altogether some other kind of productions, that are named 'demo' or 'intro' mainly.

1.2) What is the Demoscene? What is an intro/demo?

" Short answer: A subculture in the computer underground culture universe,
dealing with the creative and constructive side of technology, proving that a
computer can be used for much more than writing a letter in MS-Word and hence emphasize on computer technology as just another medium that can transport ideas and styles, show off skills and express opinions etc. "
- Thomas Gruetzmacher (aka Tomaes)

PC Demoscene Faq

Please do check www.demoscene.info.

1.3) Why do you do this?

For fun. Masochism, love and passion. Ego boosting and satisfaction. Love for art, in all of its forms.

2 - about the website

2.1) Who is the webmaster? I have to report something

At the right moment, Delilah only is managing the website. If you have to report a bug, missing link, notify us of something and stuff, you can contact her.

[Design and gfx are entirely made by her.]

SKiM's website is kindly hosted by
untergrund.net and planet-d.net.

2.2) Do you have a banner?

Yes! There you go:


2.3) How can I contact a member?

You can contact a member by checking their own email address /contact /website at the
members page.

2.4) Can I join SKiM? How?

SKiM is pretty always looking for supportive and skilled people to work with. At the right moment, we're not looking for new members in a particular way, but more for cooperations. A well done coop *could* end up in a membership; it's all about feeling and style.

We anyway badly need a 3D gfx and a coder for an upcoming project. Feel free to contact Delilah for more info.

2.5) I got a question that's not answered here; what should I do?

You can email the webmaster anytime asking what you want to know. The question [if worth] will probably be added to the faq's for future use. Thank you for your help :)

Note: For any other problem [i.e., email to a member bounces back, etc] or a general info request, you can try by contacting the webmaster anytime and explaining whats wrong.